How Does L-Tyrosine Impact Your Health?

Tyrosine is a highly touted dietary supplement that improves alertness, focus, and attention. It is helpful because it allows the brain's chemicals to communicate with nerve cells to regulate mood. 

There are different forms of tyrosine, and L-tyrosine is one of them. It is a non-essential amino acid manufactured in the body using another amino acid, Phenylalanine. 

Tyrosine helps to build proteins in the body, and form enzymes, thyroid hormones, and melanin. It gets found in almost all tissues and even produces neurotransmitters that help nerve cell communication. 

Tyrosine produces neurotransmitters such as epinephrine, dopamine, and norepinephrine. L-tyrosine forms essential chemicals in the brain that affect sleep and mood.

Sometimes your body fails to make tyrosine, so supplements are a good option. Supplements such as Thyrosmart have L-Tyrosine as their primary constituent that helps normalize thyroid levels. 

How To Supplement Your Body With L-Tyrosine?

The free form of tyrosine is L-Tyrosine, the best form of thyroid supplement. Taking a dose of 100-150 mg per kg body weight helps reduce a considerable amount of stress. 

What Are The Health Benefits Of L-Tyrosine?

  • Helps To Treat PKU ( Phenylketonuria )-

For some people, L-Tyrosine is an essential amino acid. This happens to people who suffer from phenylketonuria. PKU is a critical health condition where the body builds up an increased amount of amino acid phenylalanine. Smart Solutions Thyrosmart contains L-Tyrosine, which can treat this disease.

  • L-Tyrosine Helps To Improve Mental Performance-

L-Tyrosine supplements help people to perform well in stressful situations. If you get exposed to extreme weather or are asked to perform cognitive tasks, the L-Tyrosine is a big help. The ability to switch between tasks gets known as cognitive flexibility. L-tyrosine helps to improve cognitive flexibility. 

  • L-Tyrosine Helps To Cope With Sleep Deprivation-

Sometimes when you lose sleep, your cognitive abilities go down. L-Tyrosine helps you to stay sharp even when you lose sleep. Sleep-deprived individuals supplement with L-Tyrosine to get proper sleep.

  • L-Tyrosine Acts As An Antidepressant-

L-Tyrosine converts itself to the brain chemical dopamine and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters play an important role in reducing depression. 

  • Helps Athletes Train-

L-Tyrosine supplements help provide extra energy to athletes when they train. They also help people to lose weight and control their obesity. For people in the fitness industry, L-Tyrosine helps in proper recovery post-workout and even decreases fatigue. Tyrosine helps to build stamina to prolong the workouts.

  • Other Uses Of L-Tyrosine-

L-Tyrosine is also taken by people suffering from PMS symptoms and boosts libido. L-Tyrosine is also particularly useful in regulating body metabolism by producing thyroid hormones. 

L-Tyrosine helps to produce melanin, which is our skin pigment. This gives us the color of our skin, hair, and eyes.

Tyrosine is generally considered safe and gets used as a supplement per body weight. Thyrosmart side effects are not known in extreme cases and are very rare. 

Although, people with kidney problems should avoid these supplements. It is advisable to consult a doctor before you choose to take supplements. 

These are the reasons why L-Tyrosine is such a popular dietary supplement.


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