Vitamin B Complex Is Essential In Maintaining Heart And Brain Health

Vitamin B is essential for the daily survival of human beings. The B-group vitamins are extremely important to aid in the functions of various human body systems, like the cardiac and nervous systems. It directly impacts the heart, mood, performance, and weight.

Reduced Risk Of Heart Health

Foods rich in Vitamin B and supplements like Active X Vitamins reduce the risk of stroke, which can cause death. Vitamin B is essential in reducing heart risks. The same vitamin also reduces the risk of death and stroke in women. Vitamin B affects all positively. Folate and Vitamin B-6 reduce the risk of heart failure in men.

One can get folate from supplements as well as natural sources. The foods rich in folate include- vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole or enriched grains, beans, and cereals. Vitamin B-6 is abundant in vegetables, liver, meats, whole grains, and fortified cereals. 

Researchers have found that folate higher consumption of folate and B6 reduced deaths from heart failure in men.

Benefits of B-Complex Vitamins

The eight B vitamins- B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12 are all essential to human health. Each of them performs essential bodily functions. They are vital to maintaining good health and affect energy, brain function, and cell metabolism.

Vitamin B complex in Platinum Naturals Activ-X prevents infection and maintains a healthy appetite. It helps in the growth of red blood cells and proper nerve function. Vitamin B12 keeps the nerves healthy. Additionally, it helps in the synthesis of DNA and red blood cells.

Vitamin B Deficiency

A deficiency of Vitamin B can lead to megaloblastic anemia. It is a condition that leads the red blood cells to develop into an abnormally large shape; it results in the cells becoming dysfunctional. The symptoms of this disease include loss of appetite, giddiness, discoloration of the skin, and tiredness.

One should take a high dose of Vitamin B that one can get from green leafy vegetables. Other food sources of Vitamin b include cheese, chicken, red meat, and fish, for instance, tuna and salmon.

Pregnant Women And Men Need Vitamin B

Pregnant women need Vitamin B as it helps in fetal brain development. It also reduces the chances of congenital disabilities. Not only that, but men also need Vitamin B, as it is a “testosterone-boosting” supplement. It increases testosterone levels in men. The testosterone levels can decrease with age.

Old People Need Vitamin B Supplements

Vitamin B regulates hormones in older adults as well. Older adults do not have the appetite to have a full-course meal. They tend to miss out on essential vitamins as a result of this. The Activ-X Multi for Women boosts Vitamin B in older adults.

The body easily absorbs Vitamin B from the supplements. 10–30% of people over 50 do not have adequate stomach acid production that adequately absorbs the B12. Sometimes medications for stomach acid can also inhibit Vitamin B absorption. A deficiency in Vitamin B leads to depression in older adults. A proper diet and the correct supplements will remedy this issue.






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