Vitamin B Complex Is Essential In Maintaining Heart And Brain Health
Vitamin B is essential for the daily survival of human beings. The B-group vitamins are extremely important to aid in the functions of various human body systems, like the cardiac and nervous systems. It directly impacts the heart, mood, performance, and weight. Reduced Risk Of Heart Health Foods rich in Vitamin B and supplements like Active X Vitamins reduce the risk of stroke, which can cause death. Vitamin B is essential in reducing heart risks. The same vitamin also reduces the risk of death and stroke in women. Vitamin B affects all positively. Folate and Vitamin B-6 reduce the risk of heart failure in men. One can get folate from supplements as well as natural sources. The foods rich in folate include- vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole or enriched grains, beans, and cereals. Vitamin B-6 is abundant in vegetables, liver, meats, whole grains, and fortified cereals. Researchers have found that folate higher consumption of folate and B6 reduced deaths from heart failure in men...